유연한 알루미늄 호일 덕트 설치 방법을 알고 계십니까??

유연한 알루미늄 호일 덕트 설치:

1) 각 거리 사이에 허용되는 처짐이 50mm에 불과하도록 Aeroduct를 가능한 한 직선으로 설치하십시오. 1 미터
2) 모든 굽힘 부분은 가능한 한 크게 만들어져야 하며 반경은 사용 중인 덕트의 직경보다 작지 않아야 합니다. “유” 모양이 구부러지는 것을 피해야합니다. 하지만, 불가피하다면, make sure that the distance between the centre point of the duct is at least 2 times the diameter of the duct in use.

3) Use metal or galvanized iron hanger that is at least 25 mm wide and should support the flexible duct with at least half the circumference surface in contact,
4) Do not connect Aeroduct to connector with sharp ends. An allowance of at least 2 rounds of flexible ducts should be provided at point of joining before wrapping the connections with 2wide aluminium or duct tape. Clamp tightly, with plastic or metal clamps followed by another layer of aluminium tape to prevent tearing
5) Extra care must be taken when making connections to fixed conventional duct. An additional hanging support is always recommended. If Aeroduct is installed vertically, the use of hanging support by wre for every distance of 1.5 meter is necessary,
6) Connections to any other types of air supplying component should have as little bending as possible.

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